
Client Wrap Around Services

Reba Brand services are offered to the community.
Micro, small and medium entities (SME) in the Rebatissons target area are welcomed to enroll.

Reba Apostrophe™  SME Technical Assistance

Services can include assistance in areas such as; marketing, management, finance and strategic planning. The Apostrophe is a mark of ownership and so this offering is about strengthening the ownership position of entrepreneurs and business owners in our target area.

Reba Apostrophe Plus™ SME Management Support

Services stack upon those offered in our base service and empowers the organization with the talent and manpower to execute leadership and plans for success.

Reba Presents™ Neighborhood Scale Events

Connecting the high level initiatives and intent of positive redevelopment efforts with the attention and aspirations of a disconnected community can be contentious. Camaraderie and conversations can make a potentially alienating and disturbing process collaborative and calm instead. Over coffee or the background music of a concert, the charity wants to build the livelihood of the community in place, and in power.

Reba Elite Entities™ Loans and Equity (clients accepted by cohort or invite only)

Not all business success is equal and there are those who stand shoulders above the rest and are winning in their field. These services are comprehensive and include finance and investment infusions arranged by the charity in line with a development mandate in its charter.

Community Advisory and Advocacy

When leaders stand up for the needs and inherent quality of their community, we all win.

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